Working Test Toolkit

Timeline: Before The Test

Timeline: During The Test

Timeline: After The Test

Important Dates:
Reports must be submitted to the Draft or Water Test Records Secretary within 30 days of the test
The NCA Board has approved a system of late fees to be paid by the regional clubs in a manner similar to that used by the AKC for dog shows and performance events. The following scale will be used for both Water and Draft Tests from now forward:
Completed paperwork following a Water or Draft test must be postmarked within 30 days following the test event. Paperwork postmarked 1-5 days late will assess the regional club a $25 late fee. Fully completed event paperwork postmarked 6+ days late assess the regional club a $50 late fee. Late fees must be paid by the regional club prior to approval of any further working event.
Newf Tide Articles must be submitted by the next deadline following the test, and according to the formatting instructions of Newf Tide

Wrap Up

Assign a responsible person to write an article for Newf Tide and your Regional Club's newsletter. Include 1-2 "action shots", along with full names of qualifiers and "Thank-yous" to judges, stewards and other important helpers.

Write the Chair's reports- this should include:
• evaluation of the test site
• evaluation of the judges- how well they worked together; knowledge of rules; consistency in judging; attitude toward stewards, exhibitors, and spectators; exhibitors' comments or complaints, written or oral
• Number of exhibitors from test giving club and from other areas
• Methods of advertising the test
• Number of spectators
• Prior training clinics or classes
• Problems, if any, and what was done to resolve them

Submit Reports

Within 30 days of the Test, the Test Secretary should submit the following to the Working Dog Committee

• Test Secretary's Report
• Original Entry Forms with copy of AKC Registration Form Attached • Test Record Form - one per entrant • Two (2) marked catalogs • One (1) copy of the premium List • One (1) copy of the Test Chair Report

Collect Evaluations

Event Evaluations are now available for online completion (paper copies still available in the Form Library)

• Draft Test Exhibitor Evaluation:
• Draft Test Judges Evaluation:
• Water Test Exhibitor Evaluation:
• Water Test Judges Evaluation:

draft work newfoundland dog
water rescue newfoundland dog