Any deviation from the Standard is a fault. The degree to which the fault represents deviation is a matter of judgment, experience, and opinion.
Remember, in judging a Newfoundland, it is not enough to just watch it standing and in motion. It is necessary to put your hands on the dog to feel skull, size of bone, angulation and location of joints, true topline, quality of coat, length of tail, etc.
Sweetness of temperament is the most important single characteristic of the breed. Any sign of poor temperament cannot be tolerated in the Newfoundland.
Thanks to Barbara Bottaro, Ernest Hart, and Marcia Schlehr, for their art work
This Guide was authored by the Judges’ Education Committee of the Newfoundland Club of America, Inc.
Approved by the Board of Directors, Newfoundland Club of America., November, 1999
Copyright by the Newfoundland Club of America, Inc. 1999
First Edition, 1985; Second Edition, 1991; Third Edition, 2000 All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the Newfoundland Club of America, Inc.