Blaze – A white stripe that goes up the middle of a dog’s face.
Bridge – The middle part on top of a dog’s nose.
Brisket – The part of a dog’s chest between its front legs.
Brow – The bony area right above a dog’s eyes.
Cat Foot – A small, round foot that looks like a cat’s foot.
Croup – The area on a dog’s back between the hips and the base of the tail.
Crown – The very top of a dog’s head.
Drive – The power a dog’s back legs use to push forward when walking or running.
Dropped Incisors – When the front teeth on the bottom jaw are shorter than they should be.
Ear Set – The place where a dog’s ears are attached to its head.
Flank – The soft part on the side of a dog’s body between the ribs and back legs.
Heavy Bone – When a dog’s leg bones are thick and strong compared to its body size.
Hock – The joint on a dog’s back leg above the ankle.
Level Bite – When the front teeth on the top and bottom jaws meet evenly.
Muzzle – The front part of a dog’s face, including the nose and mouth.
Nap – The direction the dog’s hair grows.
Pasterns – Front pastern: The area on the front leg between the wrist and the foot.
Back pastern: The area on the back leg between the hock and the foot.
Point of Buttocks – The farthest back part of a dog’s hip bones.
Point of Shoulders – The spot where a dog’s shoulder and upper arm meet.
Reach – How far a dog’s front leg stretches forward when moving.
Rump – The area on a dog’s back from the hips to the base of the tail.
Saddle – A patch of different-colored fur on a dog’s back.
Scissors Bite – When the top front teeth are just in front of the bottom front teeth.
Single Tracking – When a dog walks so that all four paws follow in a straight line.
Spring of Rib – How much the dog’s rib cage curves outward.
Stifle – The joint on a dog’s back leg that works like a knee.
Stop – The small dip between a dog’s eyes where the nose and skull meet.
Well Laid Back – When a dog’s shoulder bone tilts back at about a 45° angle.
Well Let Down – When a dog’s hock joint is low to the ground, meaning shorter lower legs.
Well Sprung – When a dog’s ribs are rounded outward.
Withers – The highest point on a dog’s back, right behind the neck, where their height is measured.